Monday, February 17, 2014

Symptoms of Menopause
Symptoms of Menopause
Women often look forward to many things but, of course, not menopause. This is an extremely stressful stage in women’s lives. Like other life stages, there are symptoms that can be used to distinguish this stage from the others. While other stages, like teenage and puberty, have less discomforting symptoms, menopause symptoms are diverse, unpleasant, and can greatly affect a woman’s life. Emotional menopause symptoms can leave women feeling emotionally unstable and disturbed. Physical symptoms, on the other hand, can be embarrassing because they can, more often than not, be hard to hide from others.
Some of the most common physical symptoms of menopause include night sweats, hot flashes, irregular periods, mood swings, and l dryness among others.

Night sweats
Often, night sweats have been described as hot flashes that occur during sleep. Ordinarily, these flashes are accompanied by intense bouts of sweating. As a matter of fact, night sweats should never be mistaken for sleep disorder instead, they should be viewed and accepted as common sleep disorder that occurs during menopause. These nightmares of extreme sweating are caused by hormonal changes, but they may be made worse by environmental factors like awfully warm sleeping environments.

For many women, night sweats can disrupt sleep, cause stress, and affect a woman’s working life. Although this a common symptom among women who are in their menopause stage, night sweats can also be caused by underlying medical conditions. So, it is important that a woman experiencing this symptom sees a doctor to find the root cause of the problem.

Mood swings
Menopausal women experience mood swings differently. For some women, mood swings may feel like a rollercoaster of emotions: at one time she is low and at another time she’s up. Some women experience sudden and intense emotions while others experience something that is easy to manage.

Generally, mood swings are caused by hormonal imbalances. As the production of estrogen hormone drops, the production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters also falls, resulting in mood swings. In addition to hormonal imbalance, fatigue, another physical menopause symptom, may also cause mood swings. To treat this condition, practitioners often target underlying hormonal imbalance.

Hot flashes
Hot flashes, or hot flushes, can be described as sudden, transitory, sensation of heat or warmth that spreads through the body, creating a flushing, or redness, that is often evident both on the face and on the upper body. Women do not experience hot flashes in the same way. While some experience delicate flashes, others experience a stir of engulfing flames.

Hot flashes are simply an indication of how the body reacts to reduced estrogen production, which occurs as women approach menopause. Surprisingly, more than half of women in this stage experience hot flashes. For some women, estrogen production stops abruptly, and this results to sudden, intense, hot flashes. For other women, estrogen production drops gradually, and this results to fewer, less intense, hot flashes.
Loss of libido
All people experience highs and lows in desire. This may be cause by several factors. For women going through menopause, however, sudden drop in desire for and physical intimacy can be worrying. For these women, the main cause of the sudden change is significant drop in production of androgen hormone. In addition to this cause, loss of libido may be caused by other menopause symptoms, including depression, l dryness, and fatigue.

Other common physical menopause symptoms include weight gain, memory lapses, incontinence, difficulty concentrating, bloating, hair loss, allergies, brittle nails, and sleep disorders.

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